Leading news, books and travel essentials retailer WHSmith’s has recently opened a brand new flagship store at Heathrow‘s Terminal 2. Featuring an enhanced pharmacy offer and world-class store design with LED fascia.
The new ‘blended essentials’ concept store delivers a best-in-class convenience offer for passengers travelling through Heathrow Terminal 2, offering customers everything they’ll need for their journey.
The lighting design focus was to ensure all of the merchandise was well illuminated, a high CRI to reflect the engaging LED fascia on the exterior of the store. We used our Dingo track light for its clean design and high performance for the wall-mounted merchandise areas, and our recessed Casa Spot to deliver general accented lighting.
This store is a fantastic example of the possibilities of travel retail, certainly one to visit.
Products used
DINGO Track Light
Clean design and high performance track light.
Vent EM Downlight
Vent EM is a compact recessed miniature 3hr emergency downlight.
Lean LED Recessed Downlight
Lean DL is a high performance recessed downlight.