Suspended Emergency Exit Sign

A suspended emergency exit sign available in up, left, right and down legends.

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    RA Emergency Exit Box

    Surfaced Mounted Emergency Exit Box, available in White as standard.

    RA Emergency Exit Box

    Surfaced Mounted Emergency Exit Box, available in White as standard.

    Tech PTE Track Emergency

    Track Mounted Emergency Luminaire, available in Black and White as standard.

    Tech PTE Track Emergency

    The Tech PTE Track Mounted Emergency Luminaire is available in Black and White as standard. Developed and manufactured by Prolight Design as a track-mounted emergency solution. Available as Standard and Self Test, get in touch for more information.

    Vent Emergency Twinspot IP65

    Provides 3 hours, of non-maintained emergency light when you need it most.

    Vent Emergency Twinspot IP65

    The emergency twin spot IP65 luminaires provides three hours, of non-maintained emergency lighting when you need it most.

    Fully adjustable twin spots for optimal utilisation of light.

    IP65 protection against dust and water makes this luminaire suitable for the most demanding of applications.

    Raptor IP65 Emergency

    Compact modern twin spot emergency suitable for industrial applications.

    Raptor IP65 Emergency

    Compact modern twin spot emergency suitable for industrial applications.

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