Vent Emergency Bulkhead

Compact, durable and competitively priced the Vent Emergency Bulkhead is a fantastic choice for indoor and outdoor environments.

IP65 Protection Rating along with conforming to ISO 7010.

Equipped as standard with emergency exit legends.

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    RA Emergency Exit Box

    Surfaced Mounted Emergency Exit Box, available in White as standard.

    RA Emergency Exit Box

    Surfaced Mounted Emergency Exit Box, available in White as standard.

    Wall Mounted LED 3HR Emergency

    The luminaire is black as standard, but can be powder coated to match most exteriors, mullions, brickwork and painted exterior walls.

    Wall Mounted LED 3HR Emergency

    The MF100 range has been extended to provide increased power in emergency applications by the in house design of a multi LED light engine that provides 485 lumens in mains operation and 190 lumens when the mains fails. The luminaire is black as standard, but can be powder coated to match most exteriors, mullions, brickwork and painted exterior walls.

    E-Panel Emergency Sign

    A 3-in-1 LED Exit Sign with multiple mounting options.

    E-Panel Emergency Sign

    E-Panel is a 3-in-1 LED Exit Sign enabling Suspended, Recessed or Side Arm Wall mounting options.

    The unit is equipped with a self-test option and a viewing distance of up to 25 metres.

    Options include finishes in White or Silver and with 3 arrow legends.

    Tech PTE Track Emergency

    Track Mounted Emergency Luminaire, available in Black and White as standard.

    Tech PTE Track Emergency

    The Tech PTE Track Mounted Emergency Luminaire is available in Black and White as standard. Developed and manufactured by Prolight Design as a track-mounted emergency solution. Available as Standard and Self Test, get in touch for more information.

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